How Painful is a Simple Extraction

Tooth removal (extraction) is often a last resort because modern medicine allows the treatment of teeth affected by the disease even at an advanced stage. Many patients associate tooth extraction with pain, almost the same as that caused by conservative treatment without local anesthesia. Nowadays, extraction is an unpleasant dental procedure, but it can be performed completely painlessly. If you have been told you need a tooth extraction, there is no need to worry. Nowadays, there are so many ways your dentist can make you feel as comfortable as possible during the procedure.

Tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that involves removing, most often, a diseased tooth from its socket. It is performed by a dentist using specialized dental tools. Teeth that may cause technical difficulties during the procedure (usually the removal of wisdom teeth) should be removed by a specialist - a dental surgeon.

Tooth extraction involves breaking the ligaments that are responsible for keeping the tooth in the socket. Initially, the tooth dislocates and then it is finally removed from the oral cavity. Then the socket should be cleaned and, if necessary, a dressing should be applied, and the wound should be sutured. The length of wound healing is individual, complete reorganization of bone tissue after extraction takes 2-3 months.

Is tooth extraction with anesthesia painful?

Tooth extraction is almost always performed under local anesthesia, which guarantees the painlessness of the procedure. It is an unpleasant but painless procedure. During the procedure, the patient may feel expansion in the area of ​​the tooth being removed and may also hear sounds accompanying the procedure. In advanced situations, when inflammation is accompanied by purulent exudate, standard anesthetic agents may not work as they should. This is because they do not produce complete anesthesia in the acidic purulent environment. If full pain-free anesthesia cannot be obtained and the procedure cannot be performed quickly, the extraction should be postponed. If necessary, the abscess should be incised, and oral administration of a systemic antibiotic administered. Usually, after a few days, the acute inflammation subsides, and the tooth can be removed painlessly.

Will it hurt after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is an unpleasant but painless procedure. It is best to plan to rest on the day of the procedure, and you should also have painkillers in reserve. In order to minimize the risk of complications after the procedure, follow your doctor's suggestions. Recommendations after tooth extraction include:

  • Press the sterile gauze at the extraction site for 20-30 minutes.
  • You must not eat or drink for two hours after tooth extraction.
  • You should not rinse your mouth for the rest of the day.
  • Do not smoke on the day of the procedure.
  • Immediately after the treatment, ice can be applied externally through a cloth.

If we follow the doctor's recommendations, the wound will heal properly. We will minimize the risk of socket inflammation and, therefore, avoid pain that could occur after the procedure. If the pain persists despite the following medical recommendations, please visit your dentist again.

Simple Extraction Steps