144 Missing Teeth – What Happens If You Don’t Replace Missing Teeth? (4 of 5)
While the teeth are incredibly strong, they can break, become damaged, or even fall out. Patients who maintain most of their natural teeth may not be overly concerned a single missing tooth, especially if it is not located in the front of their mouth. They may decide to delay treatment for their missing tooth or opt to do nothing at all. Missing teeth are a serious issues and should be taken seriously. It is important to ensure a tooth is replaced right away in order to prevent serious issues and long-term problems.
In the past, traditional dentures were the only option for replacing missing teeth. Unfortunately, dentures are not always a good solution and have many challenges. Common complaints and limitations associated with dentures include:
* Dentures are not comfortable
* They do not fit well and feel bulky
* Require daily removal for cleaning
* Food limitations
* Discomfort while speaking
* Require significant maintenance
Fortunately, there are other tooth-replacement options which help in resolving many of these challenges. Modern tooth-replacement solutions are quite secure, stable, functional, and natural in their appearance.
Dental implants are an excellent solution for the replacement of missing teeth. Key benefits associated with implants include their ability to function like a natural tooth, they are also incredibly secure, and look just like the natural teeth. Implants which are properly cared for can last for decades.
Implant-supported dentures are another great tooth-replacement option for patients. This solution is popular when patients are missing multiple teeth adjacent to one another. This solution uses implants as the base and then a denture is attached to the implants. It is permanent and cannot be removed without a dentist. In most cases, implant-supported dentures are created from traditional hard resin material.
When patients neglect to replace missing teeth, in can result in serious consequences. Some of the most common issues associated with missing teeth include the following:
* Alignment or Bite Issues: Gaps which are the result of a missing tooth can allow for the remaining natural teeth to move. This can create alignment issues and result in problems with the patient’s bite. Misaligned teeth are also more difficult to clean.
* Loss of Bone: Missing teeth fail to stimulate the jawbone. A lack of stimulation allows for bone resorption and deterioration over time. Changes in the jawbone can even modify the shape of the patient’s face.
* Crooked and Shifting Teeth: When missing teeth are not replaced, the remaining teeth can slowly shift into the open space. This can actually result in the tooth’s root becoming weak and even cause the loss of additional teeth.
* Health Issues: Because chewing can be difficult with missing teeth, patients may avoid certain types of foods. It can be especially challenging to eat foods which are high in fiber. This can result in a vitamin deficiencies and health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and other problems.
* Discomfort: Patients may avoid chewing on the side of the mouth containing the missing tooth, resulting in uneven wear on the teeth. This can cause discomfort, jaw pain, and headaches.
Missing teeth should not be dismissed as they are a serious issue and can cause long-term health issues. Follow up with a dentist to discuss treatment options.