Stress and Jaw Pain
Jaw pain is extremely frustrating. It can leave you sore and lead to headaches. There are a lot of different reasons for jaw pain, but one that people often overlook is stress.
Stress and Jaw Pain
Stress and jaw pain are connected due to teeth clenching and grinding. People that are stressed out a lot sometimes clench their jaws without realizing it. Stress can also contribute to bruxism. By lowering stress levels, you may actually be able to decrease or even eliminate your jaw pain.
Bruxism is a medical condition in which the patient grinds and/or clenches their teeth. Sleep bruxism is more common than people think. If you are waking up in the morning with a sore jaw, teeth pain, and/or headaches, you may have bruxism.
Your dentist may notice signs of bruxism during a visit. From there, the issue can be addressed. If you have the symptoms of bruxism, though, you can try sleeping with a mouth guard to see if it lessens or eliminates your jaw pain. This will also help to protect your teeth.
Avoiding Jaw Pain
If you would like to avoid jaw pain entirely, there are a few things that you can do—especially when it comes to stress. These include:
* Reduce your stress levels. There are quite a few ways you can go about reducing your stress levels. If possible, eliminate your stressors. If that’s not possible, consider meditation, exercise, yoga, and self-soothing exercises. You may even consider therapy.
* Wear a mouthguard. If you are playing sports and don’t want to injure your jaw, a mouth guard helps. Beyond that, a mouthguard can be worn while you sleep to treat bruxism. It will help with clenching and grinding of the teeth.
* Visit your dentist often. If you visit your dentist regularly, they’ll be able to catch issues like bruxism early on. This helps to prevent your jaw pain from getting worse, and your teeth from getting damaged.
* Seek treatment quickly. If you are experiencing jaw pain, don’t wait for it to get better on its own. Seek treatment to determine the issue. In the meantime, consider the tips above. By reducing your stress levels and wearing a mouthguard, you may be able to dramatically decrease your jaw pain.
Other Reasons for Jaw Pain
Along with stress, there are a few other reasons why you may be experiencing jaw pain. Some of these reasons include:
* Dental infection
* Poor jaw alignment
* Injury
* And more
If you are experiencing jaw pain, speak with your dentist. They will be able to better determine the reason for your jaw pain and address it.
Reach Out to Your Dentist
If you are currently experiencing jaw pain, reach out to your dentist’s office to schedule an appointment. They will take a look at your teeth and jaw to determine what the cause may be. If it’s stress-related, you can follow the tips outlined above to reduce your stress and jaw pain.