Stop Receding Gums from Getting Worse
Retracted gum is a situation where the gum is below the level of the root of the tooth, leaving it exposed. Therefore, gingival recession leaves teeth with an elongated appearance, which can end up affecting the aesthetics of the smile. However, retracted gum is not a purely aesthetic problem. It can affect tooth health, cause discomfort, and leave the root of the tooth vulnerable to external problems. Gum recession can affect one or several teeth at the same time, and it can also affect the entire dental arch, upper, lower or both. Gingival recession is also a slow and gradual process, that is, you will not have receding gums overnight.
What causes receding gums?
As stated earlier, receding gums is a condition that affects the amount of gum covering the root of the tooth so that it becomes sparse and leaves the root of the tooth exposed. The reduction in gingival volume can be caused by:
* Excess force during brushing, use of brushes with very hard bristles or irregular movement in brushing
* Periodontitis, also known as periodontitis or gum disease, is an inflammation of the gums caused by poor oral hygiene. This inflammation is usually caused by the evolution of an existing disease in the mouth
* Impacts on teeth
* Dental treatments or surgical procedures in some cases can negatively affect gingival volume. Good examples are dental implants and teeth whitening done too aggressively, among others;
* Malocclusion problems
* Large hormonal variations that occur during pregnancy or during menopause
* Use of oral piercings, as the friction between the piercing and the gum can cause an inflammatory process that ends up causing gingival retraction
* Genetic factors
* Age
* Smoking
Receding gum symptoms
Retracted gums can cause tooth sensitivity due to tooth root exposure, but this is not the only symptom caused by this condition. Thus, in addition to sensitivity, gingival recession can:
* Cause toothache
* Impair the aesthetics of the smile due to the “lengthening” of the teeth
* Gum bleeding during tooth cleaning
* Halitosis
* Feeling of loose teeth
However, it is worth remembering that not all symptoms are always present. Because of this, in case of suspected gingival recession, a dentist should be consulted.
Will retracted gum go back to normal?
Unfortunately, receding gum is not a condition that can be reversed naturally, as the recession process is slow and gradual and there is no way to undo it. However, there are alternatives to solve the problems caused by gingival recession.
What to do when the gum retracts?
When the presence of retracted gum is noticed, the patient can try to find out what is the cause of it and work to resolve it before resorting to gingival grafting.
Retracted gum treatment
As there is no way to reverse the gingival recession process naturally, the existing form of treatment is the gingival grafting process. The gum graft procedure consists of transplanting a piece of tissue to the place where there is a lack of gum. This tissue can be synthetic or removed from the patient himself, and the biggest difference between them is in the process of acceptance by the body. The procedure also has a very complex post-surgery due to the need to follow the recommendations to the letter so that there are no future complications due to this. In order to perform the gingival graft, the patient must be free of any situation that could cause the recurrence of gingival recession.
Retracted gum home treatment
As previously mentioned, the gum does not return to its natural shape without some type of surgical intervention. This implies that there is no home method that can stimulate gingival growth so that the gingiva returns to its original shape. You can, however, use baking soda, aloe, or clove oil to help with the inflammation caused by the recession of your gums. Talk to your dentist before starting these or any other home remedy for your gums.