Receding Gums Treatments

Receding Gums Treatments
When the gum is exposed, in addition to discomfort, it also causes other disorders for the teeth. This situation occurs due to a problem called tooth retraction or receding gums. That is, with the gum exposed, the patient has pain due to sensitivity of newly exposed areas of your tooth or teeth. In addition to pain and discomfort, the aesthetics of the smile are quite compromised, with the root of the tooth in evidence.
The recession happens slowly, with the loss of periodontal tissue. But if you notice any kind of change in the tissue, he should look for the dentist immediately, as the severity of the symptoms can be mitigated. Receding gums are a situation that has been registered quite frequently in dental offices and because of this, there are treatment options. Even cosmetic surgeries for gingival alignment are already considered common procedures.
As with any dental issues, prevention is the best weapon to prevent receding gums. But how to do it? And if the problem exists, how to treat it?
What are receding gums and why do they occur?
Gingival recession is an alteration and reduction of the portion of gum that covers the tooth, thus exposing its root. In this way, the teeth are left with an aspect of sensitivity and lack of protection, which also leads to a loss of the alveolar bone that supports the teeth. It can happen in just one tooth, or in several, simultaneously. There are even extreme cases where all the teeth, both in the upper and lower jaws, have shown recession.
Gum recession occurs progressively, that is, the gum retracts over time. Some factors may contribute to this retraction, such as crooked teeth that can be aligned, tobacco use, the lack of proper oral hygiene, and periodontal diseases such as gingivitis.
If you have doubts about how to know if you really have receding gums, then pay attention if you have any of the most common symptoms. Generally, gum retraction is accompanied by sensitivity when ingesting cold, hot, sweet or acidic things. However, other symptoms may arise, such as:
* toothache
* Greater visible space between teeth
* Visible exposure of the root of teeth
* Gum bleeding when brushing
* Bad breath
* Feeling of “weak or loose” teeth
And is there treatment?
Fortunately yes! It is possible to treat and even reverse the retracted gum condition. And it depends on the diagnosis that the patient receives from the dentist. See below for treatments.
Dental cleaning
Initially, the patient with gingival recession should pay attention to how he brushes his teeth so as not to make sudden movements and damage the gum. If the problem is mild, just change your brushing habits to remedy the bleeding and swelling in the mouth tissues.
Subgingival scaling

When retraction occurs due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque and tartar, a deep cleaning, carried out in the office with specific equipment, is enough to resolve the dysfunction. Subgingival scaling is a dental cleaning recommendation made by the American Dental Association.
Use of dental appliance
If you suffer from occlusion and crowded teeth, the best solution is the use of braces. They help to correct the problem in the growth and positioning of the dentition in relation to the gum.
When the situation of the retracted gum is more extreme, the most indicated by the dentist is to perform a plastic surgery, for satisfactory results. The procedure is done with the gum graft method, which contains retraction and bone loss, in addition to protecting the dental root and harmonizing the smile.
Treatment for hypersensitivity
One of the effects of receding gums on people is tooth sensitivity. In this case, the dentist can opt for treatment for dental hypersensitivity, with solutions that reduce this sensation.
To assist in dental treatment, there are cases in which medications are also indicated. These products must be indicated by your dentist before use.
Finally, it is very important to visit a dentist every 6 months for a check-up appointment. Make sure you are always up to date with your oral health and avoid problems such as retracted gums.