How Does Invisalign Work

How Does Invisalign Work?
Tooth misalignment is when one or more teeth in the upper or lower jaw are not correctly arranged. This means that they are, for example, crooked, twisted or do not grow out of the right place. Misaligned teeth can negatively effect your smile, but they generally are not bad for your health. If you have misaligned teeth, you might notice some issues with the function of your teeth, however. It might be harder to bite or to chew, or in severe cases, speech might be affected. In addition, crooked teeth are harder to maintain, and they can be harder to clean. For these reasons, if you have crooked teeth, your dentist and/or orthodontist might recommend braces to fix the problem. Nowadays, this doesn’t have to mean traditional metal braces. Depending on the nature of the problem, you might be a candidate for Invisalign, which are almost invisible hard plastic shells that fit around your teeth, are nearly undetectable by others, and slowly move your teeth into alignment. One of the most popular brands of these invisible shells is Invisalign.
The process for Invisalign
In a detailed initial consultation and examination in a dental practice for orthodontics, it is first clarified whether the misalignment can be corrected with Invisalign. If so, x-rays and an impression of the teeth will be taken. With modern 3D imaging computer technology, an individual and complete treatment plan is created from the initial situation of the teeth to the desired end result.
Several transparent aligner splints that are used one after the other are made individually according to this treatment plan and sent to the orthodontist. The patient receives a whole set of aligners in advance. Each splint should be worn for about 20 to 22 hours a day for 1-2 weeks. Then the following set of aligners is used. This is repeated until the desired teeth alignment is achieved.
During the wearing time, gentle pressure is exerted on the teeth, whereby they are pushed into the desired position. An appointment at the orthodontic practice is usually required every 6 to 10 weeks to monitor progress. The duration of the treatment is very individual and of course depends on the initial misalignment of the teeth. The therapy can last a few months or, in very complex cases and depending on the discipline of the patient, can last two to three years.
After completing the treatment, a retainer is necessary so that the teeth fix themselves in their new position and do not return to their starting position. It is important that you do Invisalign while under the care of a licensed orthodontist.
The entire treatment is painless and very comfortable for the patient. Invisalign is very discreet and does not interfere either at work or in everyday life. There are no restrictions when it comes to eating, as they can be easily taken out and thus no annoying leftovers can build up. The hygiene is very simple. Daily brushing with toothpaste and toothbrush and twice-yearly professional dental cleanings are sufficient for maintenance to keep both your teeth and your Invisalign shells clean.