Can a Tooth Infection Spread to the Jaw

Can a Tooth Infection Spread to the Jaw?

A tooth infection is serious and needs to be treated. Not only is a tooth infection bad for the tooth but also your overall oral health. You may end up needing an extraction if the infection is bad enough. Beyond losing your tooth, the infection can cause more problems if it spreads to your jaw.

What is a Jaw Infection? Can It Be Caused by a Tooth Infection?
The infection of a tooth will spread downward. If you catch an infection early enough, a root canal treatment may be enough to fix the issue. Over time, though, the infection will continue to travel downward into the jawbone. So, in short, the answer is “yes.” Once the infection gets to the jawbone, the issue becomes much more dangerous.

What Are the Symptoms
If you have an infected tooth, there’s a good chance you know about it. You’ll be in a good amount of pain. You may not be sure if the jawbone is infected, though. Here are some things to check for to see if your jaw is infected:
* Swelling
* Fever
* Redness
* Pain in the jaw or mouth
* Drainage of pus
If you notice any of these symptoms, set an emergency appointment immediately. Don’t wait for your next checkup! The complications from an infection can eventually be life-threatening.

What Are Some Other Reasons for Jaw Pain?
If you are experiencing jaw pain it doesn’t always mean you have a tooth infection. There are a few other reasons for jaw pain. These include:
* Injury
* Stress
* Poor jaw alignment
* And more
Set an appointment with your dentist so they can take a look and determine what the reason is for the jaw pain. From there, they can put together a treatment plan.

How to Avoid Jaw Pain
There are some things that you can do to avoid jaw pain entirely. These include:
* Wear a sleeping mouthguard. If you have bruxism (clenching and/or grinding of the teeth), purchase a mouthguard for when you sleep.
* Take good care of your oral health. A tooth infection is caused by a lack of proper oral healthcare. Make sure to brush, floss, and rinse twice a day, every day. See your dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup. They will be able to catch any cavities and infections early before they spread to your jawbone.
* Reduce your stress. A lot of clenching and teeth grinding is a result of stress. In order to decrease your jaw pain, consider stress reduction techniques like meditation, exercise, yoga, and other relaxation exercises.
* Seek jaw pain treatment quickly. Once you notice jaw pain, don’t wait. The sooner you can address the issue, the more likely you are to avoid any serious, long-term damage.

Contact Your Dentist
If you are experiencing pain in your teeth or jawbone, set an appointment with your dentist today. The solution may be as simple as a mouthguard. They also may find an infection, which they can then treat before it gets worse.